Selma teachers bring awareness to stalled contract negotiations with district

Wednesday, May 10, 2023
Selma teachers bring awareness to stalled contact negotiations with district
Selma teachers took to the streets on Tuesday to bring attention to stalled contract negotiations with the school district.

SELMA, Calif. -- Selma teachers took to the streets on Tuesday to bring attention to stalled contract negotiations with the school district.

Teachers rallied in Shafer Park to bring awareness to the impasse between the Selma Unified Teachers Association and the district.

Contract negotiations have been ongoing since May of last year.

A district spokesperson says Selma Unified and the teachers union completed mediation but failed to come to an agreement.

The two sides will now move on to the next phase of the process, in which both parties present their case to a three-person panel for review.

"Once this report is out, there's an expectation we will meet again and review the report and continue our negotiations," said Roxanne Garrigus-Case, president of the Selma Unified Teachers Association.

Both sides tell Action News they have agreed on many parts of the collective bargaining agreement but are stuck in a few key areas.