NEW YORK -- It's Hometowns Week on "The Bachelor." Grant's said this week was "everything" to him because he wants his family to be a part of his future wife's family.
His first stop was Newton, Massachusetts to see Juliana. Grant said that he's falling for her, but hasn't told her yet. Juliana was going to take Grant around the Little Italy of Newton and show him what it's like to be Italian. They stopped in a pizzeria and it went pretty much how you'd expect. "Who's this guy?" ha ha. They're protective of their beautiful Juliana. The pizzeria worker sweetly warned Grant that Juliana has a big family and that the whole neighborhood is basically family. It was fun though, Grant and Juliana got to make their own pizzas and learned how to toss the dough. Then they went to a bakery and ate and filled cannoli.
Gina: Look, if it's one thing we Italians know, it's food! Seeing them make pizza and have cannoli was super cute and seeing Juliana on her home turf was fun.
Grant told Juliana that he had zero complaints about where she lives and loved hanging out with her there. Juliana then warned Grant that her last relationship was not a good one and that her family will likely come across as very protective of her. Then Juliana rattled off 100 or so people that Grant would be meeting that day. It's like a family reunion! Grant said it was "dope" that everyone was showing up for her and he's always wanted to be a part of a big family. Grant said he was ready to be grilled.
Gina: Hearing Juliana naming all her relatives reminded me of that scene in "My Big Fat Greek Wedding" where Nia Vardalos' dad is introducing John Corbett to the family and naming all the cousins and aunts and uncles. Get ready, Grant!
Juliana and Grant brought pizza, cannoli, and flowers to her huge family! They all cheered when they walked in the door. They went out back to where a whole party was set up. Grant said it was a little overwhelming, but he was enjoying himself. Her father gave a toast and then kissed Juliana. Her dad said, "Did you just kiss my daughter?!" He was joking but also serious. They all made it known that the family had Juliana's back.
Juliana's sister Dominique spoke to her first and Juliana revealed that she knows that he's her guy. Her sister was so excited for her. She cried hoping that Grant is being genuine with her. Dominique is just worried that she could get her heart broken. Meantime, Grant told Juliana's family the story of how he's a lone wolf and how they connected over Juliana's wolfpack.
Gina: If Juliana is the one for him at the end, I think we'll look back to the conversation about the lone wolf tattoo and the need for your own wolfpack as the moment that sealed the deal.
Her dad said he doesn't want to see his daughter get hurt. Grant tried to reassure him that he has big feelings for Juliana. Grant then revealed that he's falling for Juliana. He said that he's been through a lot of trials in his life but he wants to be a good man and he knows that Juliana would help him on that journey to being who he wants to be. Grant told him that he respects how he's kept his family together and he wants to learn from him as a father-in-law. I teared up! They really made a good connection.
Juliana asked her father what he thought about the situation. She said she isn't ready to get her heart broken, but she thinks Grant is a solid man. Her dad said that Grant wants someone to be a teammate with. He found that his motives were pure and that he "loves the guy" and that he seems ready. "I think you are going to be fine," her dad said. Aw! Grant said meeting her family couldn't have gone any better than it did. With that, Grant told Juliana that he's falling for her! I think Juliana's dad and how awesome he is really sealed the deal for him. She reaffirmed to Grant that she's falling in love with him. It was so hard for her to say goodbye to Grant.
Gina: Juliana's dad reminds me of my own dad, both old school Italian men who only want the best for their daughters. I do think that Grant's relationship with his own father, which was not always great, played a factor here. He sees the bond Juliana and Carl have and I think wants that as well as part of the wolfpack he's trying to create. I loved when Grant said that he could learn from Carl. I got teary too, Jen!!
Grant traveled to New York City to meet up with Zoe for their hometown date. Grant wondered if they could catch up to where he is with the other women and admitted there's a lot riding on this date. She didn't grow up there, but it's home to her! She moved there for a tech career and she also gets to do modeling. They visited a photographer that was going to take pictures of them for Brides magazine! Grant thought it was very fun, and liked to see Zoe in her element.
Grant seemed to get a little nervous as they staged a proposal. He did think that Zoe was glowing though. He loved how they had great vibes and energy together. Grant seeing Zoe in a wedding gown was very sweet. "You are so beautiful," Grant told Zoe. He had the best time with her though. He told Zoe he can tell that she's so ready for love and to be loved. Grant wanted Zoe to know that he gets her. She complimented him on seeing the good in people and even being so open to giving his dad a second chance. Zoe told Grant that he'd be meeting her "chosen" family which included her sister, aunt and uncle, and friends.
Gina: I think Zoe used this time in a very interesting way. She is stunning and very good at modeling, and I think being in her element like that gave her the confidence boost she needed. And it helped Grant see her differently. Well, all of us saw her a little differently, I think.
Everyone was very welcoming to them and her aunt started to cry upon seeing Zoe. Her uncle was happy to see how happy she was with Grant. Zoe told her aunt and uncle that she felt comfortable with Grant right away. She felt like Grant does compliment her and he's not intimidated by her. They just said they don't want to see her heart shattered. "My goodness, enough with that," her aunt said.
Faith, Zoe's sister, said that she just wants her to be in love and be happy. They cried and hugged. Faith likes the way that Grant looks at her sister and said that he lets her shine. She was concerned that Zoe didn't get a one-on-one date yet and Zoe said, "You can ask him about that." Grant said that he felt like Zoe was holding back and sometimes it was him, but he didn't give her one because of that. But now, they are locked in it's just that their connection started later and but it's right on time. Zoe has a strained relationship with her parents and her sister asked Grant if that scared him. He said it doesn't because he's been through it all. He said that he doesn't love Zoe yet but seeing her with her family is nudging it higher and higher to love. Hmm.
Grant said that he thought they broke though a lot of barriers on their date today. "This woman is special and somebody I see a future with," he said. They did not share any declarations of love though as Grant left.
Gina: Smart move to get her sister to ask about the one-on-one situation. And also, it's quite telling that he made it a point to say that he is not in love with Zoe yet, especially given Grant's proclamations of feelings for some of the other women.
Grant traveled to Star Valley, Wyoming for his hometown date with Litia. They met up in the woods and walked on a trail together. Grant said he grew up in a city but he likes being out in nature with Litia. She took him to a pair of waiting horses and Grant was pumped to jump aboard. "I feel like you come awake in the country," Grant said. He added that his mom would love her because she's also a country girl. We also found out that her nickname is T and TT from her family. They even held hands as they rode together. "I'm a country boy today!" Grant proclaimed. Litia said that he's the first non-Mormon she's ever brought home. He admitted that he knows very little about being a Mormon. He thinks his parents fought because his mom was religious and his dad was not, so he wants to make sure that he can fit in. "I'm here with an open heart and an open mind," Grant said.
Gina: First, oh my gosh is it beautiful in Wyoming! No wonder Litia seems so content and happy there (aside from being with her family). I also loved hearing about her nicknames and noting that Grant called her those nicknames throughout the entire day!
Time to meet the family! He likes to drink sometimes, have fun, get tattoos, and that doesn't usually fit in so well. But everyone welcomed them with open arms upon arrival. Grant met her parents and two of her brothers. They have such a beautiful home! Then in the back, Grant met her extended family. The family is huge! The family did a rope pull challenge, shared bracelets, and had some food. It was a nice party and Grant said that he was having a great time.
Gina: That's two dates meeting two big families. Lots of pressure on our guy! But he has definitely handled it well.
Rob, her dad, said that watching Grant meet the family reminded him of when he met his wife's family. It was mostly Rob's side that was there. Her father was glad that he is a man of faith and it doesn't matter that it's not the same religion. "No amount of success can compensate for failure in the home," Rob said. Grant agreed. He also said that Litia is 31 and wants to get married and have kids so time is of the essence.
Her mom Maurie asked Grant if he felt ready to be engaged. He revealed that he already told Litia that he's falling in love with her daughter. Maurie said that as long as he has the core belief that God is important, they want him to feel comfortable and they support him. They would have the full support of the family. He doesn't have to become Mormon. "She's ready to start a family, as soon as you are," she said. Wow, that might be a bit overwhelming. Everyone is saying this to him.
Gina: On the one hand, the pressure and worry about religion being a factor now seems to be gone. On the other hand, the pressure of starting a family right away seems to be on!
Litia spoke with her grandfather about how accepting he was of her birth father with her mother, being that they had different backgrounds. He said they were meant to be and he was such a easy guy to love. He thinks that Grant could be the same for Litia. Then he said he wished her grandmother was there to see all this and that he missed her. Cue the tears! He said you just need to have a deep feeling of love for each other where you can work out anything. Litia told her grandfather that she thinks she loves him. Her grandfather said that they just seem to fit so he hopes it works out. What a sweetheart he is! He's on oxygen, so prayers that his health is OK.
Gina: Moment #2 in this episode that I got teary. What a sweet moment between Litia and her grandfather.
Litia shared her feelings of fear about the Fantasy Suites. She doesn't want to sleep with Grant and she also doesn't want him to sleep with other women. "Are you open to just keeping an open mind about it?" Her mom said. Those are some open Mormons! Her mom doesn't seem to think that she should dictate what he does with the others and just focus on herself. Makes sense! Litia said she definitely loves Grant but she doesn't want to get hurt. Now that her family is behind them, she feels ready to tell him. As she said goodbye to Grant, Litia said, "I could see it." Then Litia said, "I'm falling in love with you," and Grant said he was doing the same!
Grant then headed to Chicago for his hometown date with Dina. She has 11 siblings! Dina said that he would be meeting her friends and not her family. Her dad is a pastor and an ordained deacon and was not ok with her being on a dating show. Grant was a bit upset that he couldn't meet them, but he wanted to meet her friends and try to learn more about Dina. Still, he found it concerning.
Gina: That's a plot twist for sure. I feel so badly for Dina because she has gotten this far and to have her family decline being there now when the point is to meet the family is tough. On the other hand, I see Grant's point too. Is it something to be concerned about?
Dina took Grant to a pumpkin patch where there was a fall festival set up. They played some carnival games, got lost in a corn maze together, and then her crew showed up. Dina cried as she saw her best friends and Grant then realized he really needed and wanted their approval because these people are very important to her.
Her friends asked him what qualities he was looking for in a wife. Grant said that he wants to provide and be a giver and the fact that Dina is like that too is new to him. He loves that about her. Her friends tried to drive the point home that she's got a huge heart. Grant said that it's tough that her family isn't buying into this journey because there's a proposal at the end. Dina shared those same concerns with her friends. Grant doesn't want to commit to someone that he doesn't know enough about and wants to see if he can fit in with his future wife's family. They did not say that they were falling for each other or anything like that yet.
Gina: Here's the thing. As women, our besties are the people we go to and spill the tea on all our relationship secrets. So when it comes to a budding relationship and seeing if it could go somewhere, they are the ones who could probably see things a little more clearly. Still, I know that the family not being there weighed heavily on Dina throughout this entire date. You could feel the weight of it.
Back in Los Angeles, Grant met up with Joey for a beer! Love seeing our happily engaged former "Bachelor." Joey said this is the week where everything hits and you have to take a beat and figure stuff out. Joey said he still has to see how things click in Fantasy Suites and then the women meeting his family will be huge too. He asked for Joey's advice on how to send women home at this stage in the relationships. Grant said despite not meeting Dina's family they handled it well together. Joey said it's good because they see how they would handle an issue in the real world when things like that pop up on the show. Joey urged Grant to follow his gut. Grant said his biggest fear is making the wrong decision.
Gina: There's our guy reminding Bachelor Nation why he's so beloved. He had some great insight and advice. He called Grant on wanting stats and knowing the "why" of things, but he's right. Sometimes your gut tells you exactly what you need to hear. I hope Grant takes that into consideration.
Zoe talked about her date being a photoshoot and getting the chance for Grant to see her in a comfortable situation with her family. Litia talked about how they had a ton of people in her family to meet Grant. Dina then realized she was the only one that didn't have her family meet him. Juliana also talked about how Grant fit in with her huge family. Dina was then super nervous.
1) Litia
2) Juliana
3) Zoe
That meant Dina was eliminated. Grant grabbed Dina's hand and walked her out. Dina wiped tears as they walked up to a bench. Grant said it wasn't easy and he hoped he made the right decision. He said that she taught him what to look for in a woman. He said that he appreciated all the moments that they had together. "I will treasure the time that we spent together," she said. Dina urged him to follow his heart. Dina didn't cry in the limo, she's so logical.
Gina: I think as an attorney, you have to be able to compartmentalize your feelings and not show your cards on how you're feeling about any situation so you don't tip your hand and we saw that in her exit. That being said, Dina is a class act. Period, end of story. She handled all of that so well and I truly hope she finds love. Maybe in Paradise?
Next week, it's time for "The Women Tell All!" Gina will have a recap of all the drama and all the highlights. Then, in two weeks, we finally get to see the fantasy suites! Beyond that we head into the finale and Grant has a very difficult decision to make.
Gina: I can't wait to tell you all about it!
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