Principal of new John F. Kennedy Middle School explains name recommendation, mascot choice

Jessica Harrington Image
Saturday, March 15, 2025 1:21AM
Principal of new John F. Kennedy Middle School explains name, mascot
The newest school in the Sanger Unified District will be known as John F. Kennedy Middle School.

SANGER, Calif. (KFSN) -- Sokunveary Siv has already started to decorate her office with pictures and previous awards.

In January, the former Jefferson Elementary School principal moved over to her new location at the Sanger Educational Complex as she began her new role as middle school principal.

"All this time is for the planning and preparation to make sure we open in August," Siv said.

Part of that planning included leading a committee to help decide a name.

While students, parents and the community were able to voice their opinions, parameters were in place by the district.

"We needed to make sure that it was either a geographical area or it was a president, but the president also had to be deceased," Siv said.

After months of input, she and future students presented the name to the school board earlier this week.

On Tuesday, "John F. Kennedy Middle School" was unanimously approved.

"And we thought John F. Kennedy was definitely unique, a great leader, that helped impact our country, so unanimously that was our recommendation," Siv said.

Students will be known as the "The Stingers."

It keeps it in line with Sanger West High School's mascot "The Hornets."

Superintendent Dennis Wiechmann says the expansion will give more students the chance to make a sports team and wear a uniform.

"Anytime you end up starting a new school, obviously, all those sports opportunities are going to expand for the students," Wiechmann said.

He says with the district seeing 50 to 100 new students every year, the new facility will also help keep enrollment balanced.

"As we look at Washington Academic Middle School, which does an amazing job, but there are a lot of students there, so this begins to relieve that overcrowding," Wiechmann said.

As Siv settles in, she already has the new logos and a picture of John F. Kennedy up in her office.

She says she hopes students see everything was selected with their input in mind and that they feel at home when they arrive this fall.

"The whole point of designing the school made for our students is things that they're interested in, so just creating that culture where they feel safe and also have the ability to excel academically," Siv said.

In addition to working on programs for the new middle school, Siv says now that a name has been decided she can start ordering sports uniforms and spirit wear for students.

John F. Kennedy Middle School opens to seventh grade students only starting this fall.

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