Vanessa Carlton, Yamaha to replace Houston man's flooded piano

Friday, September 1, 2017
FRIENDSWOOD, Texas -- Singer Vanessa Carlton is coming to the aid of a Friendswood man whose piano was flooded during Hurricane Harvey.

Aric Harding shared a powerful moment of heartbreak and hope as he played the piano in his family's flooded living room following Hurricane Harvey.
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After seeing Harding's story on Twitter, Carlton responded saying that she'd like to get Harding a replacement piano if the one in the video "doesn't make it."

ORIGINAL REPORT: Man plays piano in flooded Houston living room
Man playing piano in flooded home goes viral

"This story is so important," the 'A Thousand Miles' singer added.

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Donie O'Sullivan, the journalist who had shared Harding's story, responded to Carlton and told her to send him a direct message to get in touch with Harding.

Friday evening, Carlton announced on CNN that Yamaha has agreed to replace Harding's piano.
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