Avoiding illness during the holidays

Monday, December 23, 2024
FRESNO, Calif. (KFSN) -- Home for the holidays-whether you're coming to or leaving Fresno, this week is the time for many celebrations with family and friends.

But you'll want to ensure you and those around you stay healthy to avoid putting a damper on your holiday plans.

"Even if it's a close relative, they have contact with many other people and so they come home, don't assume that they don't have anything," Medical Director at The Allergy Institute, Dr. A.M. Aminian said.

Dr. Aminian says close contact such as hugging and kissing can transmit a virus.

"Shaking hands, touching the face also cause the problem," he added.

He says he's seen patients confuse a virus like a cold or flu with allergies.

"With allergies, you're not sick. You have some congestion, you feel okay, he explained. "But with colds and viruses you feel a dull headache, you feel tired."

He advises people be aware of who is showing symptoms, create distance and wash hands to avoid sickness.

"If you do get sick, keep a close distance from people, wear your mask, do nasal rinses," he said.

Patient, Larry Carpenter, is taking his own precautions ahead of his family's holiday celebrations.

"If we're not feeling good, just try to keep our distances, stay away from others and not get in the middle of everything like you normally do," Carpenter said.

Another concern during the holidays is food allergies.

If you have any, you want to make sure you have your EpiPen on you at all times and that you and those around you know how to use it ahead of an emergency.

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