Chock leaves for a good reason, plus is Pascal playing it cool with 'Golden Bachelorette' Joan?

Wednesday, October 9, 2024
NEW YORK -- This week began with Charles leading the Mansion Men in some martial arts. It was as adorable as you would imagine. Mark actually taught Pascal how to do his laundry. He had to, Gregg went home in the last rose ceremony. Chock said that his relationship with Joan had really gotten deeper after their serious conversation during the cocktail party before the rose ceremony led them to an even deeper place.

Gina: Watching these guys in the house over these last few weeks has totally exceeded my expectations. They're really endearing and I'm loving watching.

Group Date

A date card arrived and it read, "Jonathan, Pascal, Dan, Charles, Gary, Mark, Gil, Chock, Keith, let's bare it all for love." Oh yeah, we got a stripping date! Guy and Jordan were excited because they would be getting this week's one-on-one dates. Joan met the group date men at a theater alongside former "Bachelorette" Kaitlyn Bristowe. Three came out completely ripped and did a strip show and then the OG Chippendale dancers came out and performed as well! So some mature men too! The show would be benefitting "Stand Up to Cancer" and suddenly Mark and the other men were ready to do the show. Pascal was excited that he's been working out and he still has "a few abs" to show. Keith said that he thought it would be cool to be a Chippendale dancer so he planned to give it his all.

Gina: Keith saying, "They look nothing like us!" had me laughing and I love that knowing the charity changed their entire perspective. I just love these guys. And on the other side of the emotional spectrum, helloooo, Chippendales dancers!

As they got ready to go on stage, Charles said, "Look at me. I'm young, energetic, and handsome!" Yeah, Charles! Gina: Wait! Keith saying he hoped the audience threw money because he was going to keep it? Perfect! The guys started off together and they rocked their hips, they took turns walking the catwalk, and wow! I was impressed! These guys have some moves! Jonathan nailed his performance! OMG, when he ripped it down to his speedo! Pascal loved to show off his body! Kelsey's dad! Kaitlyn called him...something similar to a phrase from the movie "American Pie." Oh wow, go Mark go! Keith got very interactive and Kaitlyn was shocked! Gary our professor ripped off his attire right in front of Joan and this is the best date ever. I'm dying. They have the best confidence! Dan, Charles, and Chock overcame their fears and they ripped off their clothes too. Chock had nothing to worry about. "Ladies like the tush!" He even did some dirty dancing on her and he loved the new adventurous person he's becoming around Joan.

Gina: There's SO much to unpack here. The "grand zaddies" sign in the audience, the Jonathan moves and his professing that he has not done this before, Mark's dance moves (Kelsey, come get your dad! ha ha), the shock and awe when Gary ripped off his shirt, Chock going in for a kiss during his dance, all of them having fun, the OG Chippendales guys looking on approvingly... I mean, what more could we ask for? It just felt so different from these sorts of group dates in previous seasons. It felt refreshing to not have these guys in total competition mode.

Group Date Cocktail Party

Joan said that the event gave her so much joy. I bet it did, Joan!!! Seriously though, these guys did a lot of good to raise money for "Stand Up to Cancer." In the evening, Joan took time to chat with each of the guys. Joan told Chock that although the event did seem like him, she thought he seemed really comfortable up on stage. He said that the event was important to him because of his mother and he asked how Joan's mother Mary was feeling. Joan said that she was doing better. Chock then asked Joan to steer the conversation back to them. Joan told Chock that she believed that there could be a future with the two of them. "I'm crazy about you!" Chock said. He said that the only thing he doesn't like is the 10 other men who remain.

Gina: Joan made it a point to tell him that she missed him and she needs to see more of him and told the audience that he makes her feel safe. The force is strong with this couple.

Pascal joked that he practiced over and over ripping his shirt off. Charles asked if he practiced on his own shirts and he said he would never! Then the guys said, "Prada doesn't rip like that!" Ha! I love how much fun they have together.

Gina: Please guys, he's just learning how to do his own laundry, he's certainly not going to be ripping the shirts!

Joan and Keith chatted and he told her about how he always wanted to be a Chippendale dancer. He did another strip tease for her. Jonathan gave her his gold underwear. Gary said happy birthday to his son alongside Joan. His son died laughing after hearing about their date earlier that day.

Gina: Another family call mid-date. I love it!

Mark told Joan that Denise and John will always be in their hearts but there is room for more love. Mark said that he told Denise he probably would never get married again and she really wanted him to. Joan liked being able to talk to Mark and he helped her feel "not guilty" during this whole process. In the end, she gave Chock the group date rose! He was happy to have that validation and said that he feels like he could spend the rest of his life with Joan. "Chock is the first person I can see a future with since John passed away," Joan said.

Chock's Mom Dies

The next day, Chock was crying. His mother passed away! Oh no! Poor Chock, this is terrible. Hearing him talk about his mom was heartbreaking. "I honestly could not have asked for a better mother," he said. He doesn't want to go home but he has to go take care of things. The guys were so supportive of him. They shed tears alongside him. They were honestly all very sad for him.

As Joan arrived at the mansion for her one-on-one date with Jordan, she was met by Chock. He gave her a big hug and said, "I'm going to need you." He told her that the night before was one of the best nights of his life, and then this morning he was told by a producer that his mother passed away. Joan immediately gave him a hug and said although it's inevitable to lose a parent at their age, it's never easy. Joan shared that she missed her husband dying and she understood that grief. Joan told him to go check on his family, but that he should do this process still because she wanted him to do this for himself. So does this mean he will eventually come back? I hope so!

Gina: I thought I might get through one episode without crying. Yeah, not so much. Hearing this news was crushing. My heart goes out to Chock, he spoke of his mom so beautifully. Seeing the guys and Joan all getting emotional too had me in tears.

Jordan's One-on-One Date

Jordan's date card read, "I want a love that can melt my heart." Poor Joan was trying to regroup so she could focus on Jordan, but she had Chock on her mind. He had hoped it wasn't ice skating because he said he was terrible at it, but yet, it was! They set up a winter wonderland for them and Jordan said he would try again because it was for Joan. OMG, he fell back and smacked his head on the ice. Thank goodness he had a helmet on. Joan was laughing! He apologized for being a bad skater. "You had to tow me around!" he said.

Gina: Never say what you don't want the date to be. It'll always be that thing, Jordan! I thought he was going to take Joan down with him for a minute there. I'm glad that didn't happen!!

Jordan shared that his wife cheated on him and he tried to keep things together for them for a long time. Eventually, the kids moved in with him in a two-bedroom apartment, but it was good for all of them and they healed each other, he said. Joan said that she loved how important his children were to him. She wants to be with someone whose children are the center of his life. They shared some kisses, too! Then, if you thought the date couldn't get better, Kevin Cronin and Dave Amato of REO Speedwagon performed, "Can't Fight This Feeling." What an incredible date! Jordan noted the line, Joan, "What started out as friendship has grown stronger." "I haven't felt this way in a long time," Jordan said. Joan gave him the date rose! She thought he was really fun. "It feels good to be in his arms."

Gina: Jordan seems like a really good guy. Don't sleep on this connection, Bachelor Nation. We could see more here. Also, thanks, franchise. REO Speedwagon brings lots of fond memories back to this Gen-Xer.

Guy's One-on-One Date

Meantime, Guy is getting anxious about his big date! He revealed that he got divorced a year ago and he really withdrew. He said he wasn't ready then, but now he is! He went over to Joan's place and they were going to make lemon-baked ziti together. He struggled a bit with zesting a lemon, and that made Joan worried that he is an ER doctor yet couldn't do that. They chatted about her children and how she taught them to cook. Now, they all do a Sunday night dinner! Guy said that he makes his family set the table and go eat dinner together without the TV because he wants to actually talk to them. Joan found that Guy has fun doing pretty much anything! "I feel this happiness that I haven't had for years!" Guy said. Joan put frosting on her lips and invited Guy to "take care of it." Wow!

Gina: Yeah, Guy's cooking skills could use a little work. BUT, as long as he is precise in the ER I'm OK with him not being able to zest a lemon!

Mark Talks to Kelsey and Joey

Back at the mansion, Mark called Kelsey and Joey. He said that being at the house with the guys is better than therapy! They urged him to make the most of his time with Joan despite not having a one-on-one date yet.

Gina: I love that Joey was giving Mark advice for whenever he gets a one-on-one. Everyone is so supportive and I love it!

Guy and Joan Talk

Back on Guy and Joan's date, he revealed that he was shocked when his wife wanted to end their marriage after 34 years. He said after their youngest went away, they saw that they spent 30 years trying not to hurt each other's feelings. They went to couples counseling and she said that she was done. He said he withdrew from family and friends and his kids came to him and told him how much they loved him and just wanted him to be happy. Poor Guy. It sounds like he really went through a lot. "I'm as happy as I've ever been in several years," Guy said. He thanked Joan for that. Joan said that she could see Guy being a part of her life and it being easy. "It makes me really hopeful for what's to come," Joan said. She then offered him the date rose! "Dopamine is exploding out of my ears right now!" Guy said. "Dopamine surge!" Ha, he's such a doctor!

Gina: I love that Joan says she could picture him walking around her house and being a part of her life and that she's hopeful. She's got some really good connections here with some really good men, like Guy.

Cocktail Party

On the night of the rose ceremony, Joan was wearing a stunning white dress. Joan was worried that Chock might not return. She said she didn't want him to always be a question. Joan updated the group of men that her mother is feeling better and they applauded. She toasted to the men because she was just so grateful for everything that had to give up to be there on the journey with her.

Is Pascal Interested?

Pascal asked Joan if she missed him, and she said she did but did he miss her? He said he didn't want to jump all over her on a group date because he didn't want to come off too aggressive. Joan said that she was worried when he didn't really come up to her that much on the group date. Pascal said he only wants a rose if she wants to give him a rose but they need more time together. "Keep me around!" he told Joan. Then, they sampled some macaroons together.

Gina: Is it an interesting cultural dynamic? Is Pascal guarding his heart? Or is he just not that into her? I guess we'll have to continue to watch this one!

Special Mini Dates for Joan

Jonathan set up a little scene for Joan with a special box of Cheerios with her name on it. They shared some cereal and they chatted about their morning routines. Joan promised to get back in bed with him on the weekends and cuddle despite being an early riser.

Mark gave Joan a gift, and inside was a little fire truck! A nod to his outfit while stripping. Joan danced with Gary, and Keith set up a beach scene. They were all putting forth a lot of effort on this night. Keith told Joan that she was beautiful but he wanted more time. Then he rambled... he seemed really nervous! Joan said, "Mmm hmm" a lot. She asked him what a retired day would look like to him and it was a bit of a struggle. He was bummed that it wasn't more romantic. "Dude, I *bleeped* the bed!" he told Dan.

Chock Returns

Chock is back! "I've been thinking about you so much!" "There was no way I was not coming back!" Yay, Chock! I'm so glad he's back too! Joan was thrilled. "I just can't keep my hands off of you!" Joan said. He asked Joan what was the symbol of the ring on her hand the other day. Joan said that John gave it to her and she's been trying not to wear it, or wear it on her other hand. Chock said that he was ok with her wearing it.

"I've had armor up my whole life and it's time I let that down," Chock said. He's afraid of getting hurt, but he wants to open up. "I'm crazy about you and I just have to let you know that," he said. Joan said she felt like she had a future and that there is hope.

Gina: When you lose someone you love, it puts life into perspective and I think for Chock, it made him realize that he didn't want to let the chance with Joan slip away and regret it, so he's back to hopefully win her heart.

Rose Ceremony

1) Chock (group date)
2) Jordan (one-on-one date)
3) Guy (one-on-one date)
4) Pascal
5) Jonathan
6) Mark
7) Keith

That meant Gary, Charles, Gil, and Dan would all be going home. That's a lot! Don't you feel like more now than ever we need a Golden Paradise? The guys all shared their feelings of love and I think they were just as sad to leave each other as they were Joan. Charles said this experience has really pulled him out of his grief and the men and Joan really helped him. "They are all, all, all gorgeous people!" The guys all came outside to hug and say goodbye again!

Gina: Definitely need a Golden Paradise. You know that emoji where the eyes are welling up with tears? That's been us this whole season so far! I think we all feel like Joan, where just a few weeks ago, we watched a bunch of strangers move into the house and now they're like pals to us. We want them all to be happy and I do feel like some of them are on their way to moving on with their lives and really enjoying the next chapter.

Season Preview

This season Joan goes on romantic dates and the men are all forming deep connections with her. Joan is still struggling with feelings of guilt and she worries that her heart might not be ready. She worries that she might leave the show alone.

Gina: I feel for Joan and her guilt bubbling up as reality sets in. I hope she is happy in the end. Also, it was a lovely touch to do a dedication to Chock's mom at the very end of the episode.

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