"Star Wars: Skeleton Crew," a new series streaming now on Disney+, follows a group of young children who make a mysterious discovery on their home planet, which results in them getting lost within the galaxy.
MORE: Jude Law joins the 'Star Wars' family in the new Disney+ series 'Star Wars: Skeleton Crew'
The four youths are then forced to use their resources and help from the people they meet along the way to get back home.
The show stars Jude Law alongside a cast of young actors, including Robert Timothy Smith as Neel and Kyriana Kratter as KB.
KFSN anchor Jessica Harrington sat down with Smith and Kratter to talk about their characters.
"My character, she's on the quiet side," Kratter said. "She's very thoughtful, reserved. Very straight forward. She's learning how to speak up for herself and how to be her own person."
Smith describes his character as a loyal friend who is trying his best not to disappoint the rest of the crew.
MORE: Disney+ releases a 'Star Wars: Skeleton Crew' filmmaker roundtable
"He's really kind, and he's really nice," Smith explained.
Both young actors say they are excited to join the "Star Wars universe," since they've been fans of the franchise from a young age.
"I watched 'A New Hope' when I was five or six and I just remember really falling in love with it," Smith said.
"Star Wars: Skeleton Crew" is streaming now on Disney+.
The Walt Disney Company is the parent company of Disney+ and this ABC station.