VIDEO: Tour group encounters friendly whale off Monterey coast

Tuesday, July 27, 2021
MONTEREY, Calif. -- A tour group in Monterey has quite the tale to tell after a rare encounter on the water.

The group spotted a whale, apparently an extrovert, while on a whale watching tour.

You can even hear the whale vocalize, as if the mammal was saying hello to the group.

The whale let out a few mighty blows and did some spyhopping, holding itself vertical and exposing its head.

Princess Monterey Whale Watching shared video of the encounter with us.

The playful whale seemed to enjoy the people as much as they enjoyed the whale.

VIDEO: First-time whale watcher films humpback whale crash into kayakers on back-to-back days near Avila Beach
VIDEO: First-time whale watcher films humpback whale crash into kayakers on back-to-back days in Avila Beach

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