Nude photo scandal erupts at Texas high school

Monday, March 25, 2019
TOMBALL, Texas -- As many as 12 Tomball ISD students are under investigation for sending nude photos.

On Monday, the district told ABC13 Eyewitness News police are looking into the allegations. All of the students are minors.
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This is a case that some parents told Eyewitness News is a nightmare.

"I guess these were among the kids, so they're just going to have to live with the consequences," Tomball ISD parent Pattie Duck said. "That's what they don't understand."

Tomball Police said a lot of time kids don't understand the consequences. If a student sends photos, or threatens to send pictures of another underage student, they could face a felony.

Sgt. Chris Burns said the state did make a change recently though, when it comes to underage couples, as long as they are within two years of age of each other.

"To send or to receive, the ticket would start out as just a ticket," Burns explained. "Once it goes outside of that, if they share that picture with anybody else, or threaten to share that picture with anybody else, that's when it becomes a felony."

Burns said to avoid getting in trouble, parents need to tell their kids to speak up if they receive inappropriate photos.
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"First of all, do not share that photo with anybody, because once you share it, now you're committing a felony," Burns said. "Go directly to the authorities, whether it be an administrator at your school or law enforcement at the school. Report it to them. And once they get a copy, make sure you get it deleted."

Tomball ISD sent Eyewitness News a statement:
"Tomball ISD immediately began working with local law enforcement as soon as allegations emerged. All the students are minors. We are still in the investigative phase and are working closely with the Tomball Police Department. At this time, there is no new information to release."

Since the kids are minors, the school and police weren't able to give us more details. This is an investigation parents say they'll use as a teaching moment for their kids.

"It seems kids don't understand the consequence of action today," Tomball ISD parent Larry Wood said. "Everything is just so nonchalant."

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