No shirt, no shoes, no freedom: Naked Ohio couple arrested

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Tuesday, June 23, 2015
Alexandria Mauer, 24, and Kenneth Gillespie, 33
Alexandria Mauer, 24, and Kenneth Gillespie, 33, were arrested after police found them naked in a car while eating pizza and drinking beer.
Westlake Police

WESTLAKE, Ohio -- Want to get the attention of police officers? Try driving in the nude. An Ohio couple is charged with doing just that while allegedly drunk over the weekend.

A business owner called police after spotting the naked couple standing outside a car, ABC affiliate WEWS-TV reports. Officers say the couple's car was also spotted driving up on a curb and a lawn before being pulled over.

Police then found Alexandria Mauer, 24, sitting in the driver's seat while eating a slice of pizza in her birthday suit. Kenneth Gillespie, 33, was also sitting naked in the passenger seat. Police say he was holding a beer can between his feet.

Mauer was arrested and released to a family member. She was arrested again about an hour later for disorderly conduct.

As for Gillespie, he was on probation for drug possession. Police say he urinated in the back of a police car while on the way to jail. He's now awaiting trial on a long list of charges. Upon his release from jail, he was given jail pants and shoes to wear home.