Brittany Maynard plans final adventure as she approaches her last days

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Friday, October 17, 2014
Brittany Maynard received national attention over the decision to end her own life.
Brittany Maynard

Brittany Maynard speaks warmly of her loving family and has traveled the world and at just 29 years old, it would seem as if she has everything to live for. But Maynard has made plans to end her own life following a diagnosis of terminal brain cancer, and has become a vocal advocate for end-of-life legislation in the United States.

In addition to dedicating her remaining time to speaking out in support of death-with-dignity laws, Maynard has continued to pursue her love of adventure by traveling to Alaska and Yellowstone. Now, Maynard's family tells People Magazine she is trying to take one more trip to a place she has yet to see -- the Grand Canyon.

"We're going to try," Maynard's mother, Debbie Ziegler, told People. "It's her last hurrah."

Maynard and her husband moved to Portland, Oregon from the San Francisco Bay Area following her diagnosis because Oregon is one of the five states in the U.S. that have "death with dignity" laws.

Maynard identified Nov. 1 as the day she may choose to end her life if her suffering becomes too great, in part because her husband's birthday is in late October and she wants to be able to celebrate with him.

In an interview with ABC, Maynard was careful to explain that she does not consider her choice to end her own life suicide. Her family supports her decision.

"We all just realized that I am terminally ill and I'm dying and I would just prefer to die with less pain and less suffering," Maynard said.

VIDEO: Watch Maynard and her family discuss her choice

Critics opposed to Maynard's choice have voiced their objections in open letters to Maynard and her family. Kara Tippetts, who also has terminal cancer, penned an article in which she pleaded for Maynard "not to take that pill."