Local coffee company brewing up a cold drink that's gaining popularity

Friday, August 5, 2016
Local coffee company brewing up a cold drink that's gaining popularity
Just a few months ago the Lanna Coffee Company added the new product to their shelves. Making cold brewed coffee for mass distribution.

FRESNO, Calif. (KFSN) -- Local coffee drinkers are starting to catch on to a new trend of drinking cold brew coffee. Tiny bottles filled with the trendy brew are being bought off the shelves from one local coffee company.

"We started really small, like 500 to 1,000 bottles, and those sold within the first week. So we're like, 'oh boy, time to scale this up,'" said Bryan Feil, Lanna Coffee Company CEO.

Just a few months ago the Lanna Coffee Company added the new product to their shelves. Making cold brewed coffee for mass distribution. Feil said the cool drink packs a caffeinated punch-- more than a normal cup of iced Joe and tastes different too.

"It takes a lot of the acidity and the bitterness of the coffee out and leads to a much smoother cup."

Feil said the major difference of traditional java and in the bottle is all in the name.

"We essentially replace heat with time, so we brew our cold brew for 16 hours where the coffee steeps in room temperature water, then filtered, and we make a concentrate, and then we add water back to it to make a ready to drink bottle."

Lanna's cold brew is now in 15 local stores since developing the product. In local coffee shops is where the cold brew trend is really taking off. Especially in the heat of summer.

"I think people are starting to enjoy more coffee flavored drinks. It's a really smooth well-rounded cup of coffee. And I think people are pulling away from the sugary milky drinks," said Alexandra Fabbian, Kuppa Joy Clovis.

Fabbian said the smooth yet bold iced beverage just recently become popular. Which could be in part to big chains like Starbucks pushing the drink in recent marketing campaigns.

"We go through several batches. We brew through two batches every day and we go through them like super fast. So we're having to constantly stay on top of it constantly brew it."

If only a cup a day could keep the doctor away.

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