Dad Designs Magical Costumes For His Kids

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Friday, May 14, 2021
Enter the Magical World of Designer Daddy
This talented dad makes his kids the most magical costumes!

NEW YORK -- "Whatever your dream is, it can come true. You just have to work really hard for it."

Nephi Gargcia is a talented fashion designer, but what he truly loves to do is make custom, transformable costumes for his kids! He started the Instagram account

@DesignerDaddy and went viral for the magical outfit he designs for his son and daughter.

"I got into designing when I was about 11 years old. My grandmother actually taught me how to sew. I remember, you know, I had my little sewing machine. And I had some scrap fabrics. Our whole family likes to play dress-up. So I decided to make my daughter a fairy godmother dress." The dress, a photo of which quickly went viral, features a hidden mechanism that allows the wearer to transform. "I had no idea it was going to be such a huge hit."

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