81-year-old grandpa, Gil Walker, is Dunkin's sweetest customer

ByChris Bollini Localish logo
Tuesday, November 10, 2020
81-year-old grandpa is this donut shop's sweetest customer
Dunkin' Donuts employees affectionately call shop regular Gil Walker "Grandpa." When he found out that the Concord-based store could face closure due to COVID-19, he surprised staff with a generous gift.

CONCORD, Calif. -- Gil Walker visits Dunkin' Donuts every day to enjoy his usual coffee and maple donut bar. Employees affectionately call him "Grandpa."

"The kids were so friendly," Walker shares.

"It's more than donuts and coffee," Dunkin' Donuts owner Matt Cobo adds. "This is a place where we connect with people."

When the COVID-19 pandemic hit, Walker was worried about the Concord-based store and its workers. "I was worried maybe that he was going to lose business or have to shut down," Walker explains.

As a result, Walker put $280 in an envelope and asked Cobo to hand it out to his employees. "I just want them to know that I appreciate what they do and I want to help out a little bit," Walker reveals.