PHOTOS: 2 fires light up Los Angeles night sky

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Monday, December 8, 2014
ABC7 viewer Nance Yuille shared this photo of the fire in downtown Los Angeles using #ABC7Eyewitness on Monday, Dec. 08, 2014.
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PHOTOS: 2 fires light up Los Angeles night skyABC7 viewer Nance Yuille shared this photo of the fire in downtown Los Angeles using #ABC7Eyewitness on Monday, Dec. 08, 2014.
ABC7 viewer Nance Yuille

DOWNTOWN LOS ANGELES -- Firefighters responded to two major fires in Los Angeles overnight.

A fire broke out just after 4 a.m. at a commercial building in Westlake District as firefighters were battling an earlier blaze at an apartment complex under construction in downtown.

See photos of the fires above.