90 years and counting! Moeller's Bakery is Houston's oldest family-owned bakery

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Tuesday, November 10, 2020
Moeller's Bakery: 90 years of making sweet treats in Houston
Moeller's Bakery still uses a pre-World War II oven to bake its iconic treats every day!

HOUSTON, Texas -- For nearly a century, Moeller's Bakery has been helping customers make sweet memories, churning out everything from its signature petit fours to special occasion cakes.

Moeller's Bakery has the special distinction of being Houston's oldest family-owned and operated bakery.

Gus and Lucille Moeller first started the business in 1930, and it's been in the family for three generations.

The beloved bakery still uses a pre-World War II oven to bake its iconic treats every day, using the same original recipes!

This year, both the bakery and Donald Moeller, Gus, and Lucille's son who ran the business for decades, celebrated their 90th birthdays.

"We're kind of a picture in time, to where we don't change," said Eric Moeller, Gus and Lucille's grandson. "The products that people have come to love over the years, they know they can come in here and still get the same petit fours they had as a child. That cake they had as a child will still be the same today."