Unique bookstore keeps love of books alive with nature-inspired decor

ByJose Mayorquin Localish logo
Tuesday, July 11, 2023
Bookworms love Lost Books' nature-inspired decor
Bookworms get lost in the nature-inspired decor at Lost Books Bookstore.

MONTROSE, Calif. -- While many bookstores have shut their doors in recent years, newcomers with unique themes like Lost Books are showing that the love of books is still alive.

"80 percent of our books are used," said Lost Books manager Ana Buckley. "And we never know what we're gonna end up with. You'll find the craziest books on our shelf that you didn't know you needed."

The shop is the sister of the beloved The Last Bookstore in Downtown Los Angeles, which also draws bookworms and bibliophiles from far and wide. The nature themed Lost Books features social media photo-worthy backdrops at every turn.

"I don't think this is just a bookstore," said Buckley. "You're walking into a new world that contains multitudes. You know, it's a world filled with worlds."