This Napa-based family built Disneyland's Matterhorn roller coaster in their backyard

ByChris Bollini Localish logo
Thursday, January 28, 2021
One Napa family brings Disney-inspired pandemic project to new heights
Meet the Napa family that brought the magic of Disneyland to their home by building the Matterhorn roller coaster in their backyard.

NAPA, Calif. -- When the COVID-19 pandemic hit, Sean and Michael LaRochelle found a unique DIY project to help pass the time.

"My brother walked outside with me to the backyard, and he said 'Michael, we are going to build the Matterhorn,'" Michael LaRochelle recalls.

"We saw a backyard roller coaster on YouTube and we were like, we can do that, but better," partner John Eggers adds. Raised in a family of Disney fans, the brothers chose Disneyland's Matterhorn as inspiration for their backyard coaster.

"The Matterhorn is one of my favorites, absolutely," LaRochelle states.

Over four months, a group of family and friends came together to turn this dream into a reality.