Budget hearings will begin the first week of June, and the final vote on the budget is planned for June 22.
FRESNO, Calif. (KFSN) -- Fresno Mayor Jerry Dyer presented his proposed budget Thursday morning, highlighting several of the city's issues and the solutions his budget would fund.
Increasing police and fire staffing top the list, but other big focuses include improving the city's appearance and maintaining low utility costs.
But the Mayor wants the council to consider the cost of collecting garbage.
"The solid waste management division relies on a projected rate increase in FY24; the last solid rate increase was in 2009, 14 years ago," he said.
Although this was just the start of the process, city council members already had questions for Mayor Dyer about his priorities.
"I'm yet to see the actual data that correlates more officers or more police resources to a reduction in crime," says Council member Miguel Arias.
Dyer also acknowledged that the city's roads need repairs, especially after our historically wet winter.
He wants to add a dedicated pothole crew, which could make more long-lasting patches instead of just quick fixes.
"This also funds vehicles and specialty equipment to implement a more durable hot-mix asphalt patch that will perform better and last longer," he said.
This proposed budget is roughly $130 million more than last year.
Budget hearings will begin the first week of June, and the final vote on the budget is planned for June 22.
The city is required to have a budget in place by the end of June.
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