Ava Grace Oddo's weekly acting classes aren't canceled. They just look a little different.
Schools around the country are going online to educate kids from home.
For overwhelmed parents, the online learning can continue once the school day is done.
While many museums have shut their doors, online museum tours are available without leaving your couch.
The National Gallery in Washington, D.C, The Guggenheim in New York, the Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam, the National Museum of Anthropology in Mexico City and The Louvre in Paris are all providing online experiences.
Through Google VR technology, your online explorer can climb a virtual Mount Everest or go out of this world and explore the surface of Mars on NASA's Curiosity Rover.
With Facebook Live, your child can join a live safari with zookeepers at the Cincinnati Zoo, or chat with their favorite children's book authors.
"I wasn't planning on being here, and you probably weren't planning on being here either, but now that we're here, I kind of want to some you some things in my studio," says Author Mo Willems.
In the evening, instead of vegging out in front of the TV, your family can get some culture with free online streaming from the Metropolitan Opera.
For more news coverage on the coronavirus and COVID-19 go to abc30.action.news/coronavirus/.