Political science professor discusses situation in Iraq

Friday, June 20, 2014
Valley residents react to situation in Iraq
President Obama announced plans to send militiary advisors to support and train Iraqi security forces.

FRESNO, Calif. (KFSN) -- Seeking a middle ground between calls for tough military action and no action at all, President Obama announced plans to send military advisers to support and train Iraqi security forces.

Fresno State Political Science Professor Thomas Holyoke is keeping a close eye on the situation in Iraq after President Obama announced Thursday he is sending up to 300 military advisers to the country. This is his latest effort to support and train Iraqi security forces and prevent a civil war.

"What we really have here is a political problem, not a military problem, which has led to this civil war," said Holyoke.

A problem Holyoke believes started with Iraqi Prime Minster Nouri Al-Maliki (noor-ee al mal-ih-kee).

"Al-maliki, who's Shiite Muslim, has really allowed the situation to flare up," said Holyoke, "Essentially has caused a lot of this situation by refusing to integrate Sunni Muslims into the government... and really shutting them out and making them feel un-welcomed in their own country."

In addition to sending advisers, the Obama administration is making diplomatic moves -- urging Al-Maliki to put together a more inclusive government. A move, Holyoke said would go along way in bringing peace to the region, if Iraq can solves it's problem on it's own.

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