Long Island's Posey School of Dance performs 'The Nutcracker' from a distance

ByAlex Ciccarone Localish logo
Monday, December 7, 2020
Long Island dance school performs 'The Nutcracker' from a distance
Even though the Sugar Plum Fairy might be wearing a mask while she twirls across the stage, the Long Island Posey School of Dance is determined to keep the magic of performing 'The Nutcracker' this holiday season from a distance.

NORTHPORT, New York -- During the holidays, many New Yorkers would watch a show on Broadway or attend a holiday performance, however with Broadway still dark, artists have had to sit and wait it out.

Since the coronavirus pandemic began, live performances have become a joy of the past.

With no end in sight, many shows have canceled or postponed during December, one Long Island dance school has made it their mission to figure out a way to perform the holiday classic 'The Nutcracker'.

Long Island's Posey School of Dance has figured out a way to keep the tradition of performing the ballet by coordinating small excerpts from the show on an outside stage at the Vanderbilt Museum.

"I was so excited because I thought we weren't going to be able to do it with everything going on," said Olivia Puglisi, Dancer. "It was a nice breath of air to be able to perform with my friends again."

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Kimberly Wagner, Posey School of Dance Director, contacted many places before she found a space to perform at the Vanderbilt Museum.

The set up worked out perfectly since the museum is hosting a winter walk on the grounds as well as a light show for December.

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"I think for the dancer, it's also about working together and having a chance to feed off of each other's energy, said Wagner. "It kicks off the holiday season, and it is just such a special time for everybody."

'The Nutcracker' excerpts from the Posey School of Dance can be seen every Friday throughout December at the Vanderbilt Museum's holiday outdoor event 'Bright Lights'.


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