Strong storm across Merced county, impacting local businesses

Brianna Willis Image
Thursday, March 13, 2025 11:25PM
Strong storm across Merced county, impacting local businesses
A heavy downpour and intense winds caused power outages across Merced County.

MERCED COUNTY, Calif. (KFSN) -- A heavy downpour and intense winds - causing power outages across Merced County.

"It did set us back a little bit, but not as bad as it could've been," said owner of Mix Bakery Merced, Cynthia Prader.

PG&E says thousands of customers lost electricity after palm trees intertwined with power lines, but it was quickly restored.

Cynthia Prader - owner of Mix Bakery Merced says it did impact her business, but they were prepared.

"It affects us because we try to come in and we need to start baking and doing all our prep for the morning and when you don't have ovens, lights - you can't get in the refrigerators, freezers, you really have to be cautious about that," said Prader.

Meanwhile, Merced County officials say they've seen minimal damage with some tree branches in the road, but they still recommend residents stay prepared for the worst.

"Have some extra food, some extra water, flashlights, batteries, maybe a backup battery, a radio- things like that just in case you're stuck at home for a day," said Mike North with Merced County.

If you're out in the fields like Craig Arnold, the rain is a welcome site.

"From the ag side, we'll take it. It does cause us some small problems. Some fungus issues in or peaches and our almonds," Arnold Farms Atwater, Craig Arnold.

Arnold says they've already treated the fruit - and just hopes the rounds of wet weather continue into the spring and build on that snow pack.

"Hopefully it's all snow up in the mountains that we can store for the next six months and have access to it," said Arnold.

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