Humanity Heroes Handed Out Backpacks to Those in Need

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Thursday, January 2, 2020
Humanity Heroes gifted Backpacks to Skid Row community
Humanity Heroes backpack hand out was a huge success.

Humanity Heroes and My Friend's House Foundation joined forces for one day in Downtown Los Angeles. This year, 150 volunteers passed out 3,000 backpacks full of essential supplies, as well as food, clothes and other items for the area's homeless population. Join Humanity Heroes by visiting their website and help cultivate sustainable communities! Humanity Heroes empowers communities to thrive through collaboration, innovation and sustainability. When Humanity Heroes started four years ago they gave out 1,500 backpacks, this year they have doubled that amount to meet the need of the community. Each backpack is full of items the Skid Row community was asked they needed instead of what people assumed they needed. This year Humanity Heroes was able to expand their contribution by also providing a hot meal to the community with the help of Ghetto Kitchen Soul Food and My Friend's House Foundation. For more info on how to you can join Big Mike @bigmike and the Humanity Heroes visit: Join Humanity Heroes