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Looking at the healthy benefits of walking
Working out and sweating doesn't always have to be intense. Even going on brisk walks can help improve both your physical and mental health.
How Pilates can help with back and neck pain
Loneliness epidemic: Clovis gym helping people create new connections
Cultiva La Salud offering free dance fitness classes
These seniors are learning Hula and celebrating Hawaiian culture
Planet Fitness raising price of long-standing $10 membership plan
Cultiva La Salud offers fitness dance classes for Parlier community
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Fitness influencer spreads love of jumping rope in Chicago, beyond
Former Navy SEAL and chiropractor opens gym in Valley
Exeter woman aims to empower people through movement
Don't let your New Year's fitness goals lead to injuries
Intense exercise and lack of sleep linked to cognitive decline
How to keep the senses sharp as we age
Small bursts of exercise daily may lower risk of death by 40%: Study
Peloton recalls 2 million bikes due to seats breaking during ride
Americans walking fewer steps since the pandemic, study finds
Calling all dancers to an inclusive performance environment
City of Hanford offering free weekly workouts
New northeast Fresno Pilates studio offers unique workout
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More Stories
How Pilates can help with back and neck pain
Loneliness epidemic: Clovis gym helping people create new connections
Cultiva La Salud offering free dance fitness classes
These seniors are learning Hula and celebrating Hawaiian culture
Planet Fitness raising price of long-standing $10 membership plan
Cultiva La Salud offers fitness dance classes for Parlier community
Fitness influencer spreads love of jumping rope in Chicago, beyond
Former Navy SEAL and chiropractor opens gym in Valley
Exeter woman aims to empower people through movement
Don't let your New Year's fitness goals lead to injuries
Intense exercise and lack of sleep linked to cognitive decline
How to keep the senses sharp as we age
Small bursts of exercise daily may lower risk of death by 40%: Study
Peloton recalls 2 million bikes due to seats breaking during ride
Americans walking fewer steps since the pandemic, study finds
Calling all dancers to an inclusive performance environment
City of Hanford offering free weekly workouts
New northeast Fresno Pilates studio offers unique workout
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