Fresno State student-athletes accused of placing bets on their games
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This tattoo removal studio will laser off your Kanye West tat for free
A London tattoo studio removal studio is offering free removal of Kanye West tattoos as the artist continues to openly promote antisemitism and praise Adolf Hitler.
Kanye West's Twitter account suspended after swastika post: Elon Musk
Jewish doctor treats COVID-19 patient covered in Nazi tattoos
Police searching for vandals who drew swastika on local golf course
Tina Turner mural defaced with swastika
Swastika symbol in Calif. man's front yard has upset neighbors
Photo of OC students with swastika sparking outrage
More Stories
Downtown Fresno artwork defaced with swastikas
Northern California Middle School vehicle vandalized with swastikas
SoCal artist's billboard shows Trump flanked by swastikas, mushroom cloud
New Yorkers come together to remove swastikas inside subway car
Church, woman's car vandalized with swastikas in Bay Area
More Stories
Kanye West's Twitter account suspended after swastika post: Elon Musk
Jewish doctor treats COVID-19 patient covered in Nazi tattoos
Police searching for vandals who drew swastika on local golf course
Tina Turner mural defaced with swastika
Swastika symbol in Calif. man's front yard has upset neighbors
Photo of OC students with swastika sparking outrage
Downtown Fresno artwork defaced with swastikas
Northern California Middle School vehicle vandalized with swastikas
SoCal artist's billboard shows Trump flanked by swastikas, mushroom cloud
New Yorkers come together to remove swastikas inside subway car
Church, woman's car vandalized with swastikas in Bay Area