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texting while driving
'Distracted driving' death could prove costly for Fresno officer
Investigators say Jose Pulido spent more than 20 seconds crossing the street before a police car hit him just before he finished.
Study shows Uber/Lyft drivers text while behind the wheel
Police officer caught on video texting and driving in Texas
'Textalyzer': Nevada considers technology to scan cellphones after crashes
Driver in deadly Texas church bus crash was texting, witness says
Witness: Driver in deadly crash with church bus was texting
Student crashed into patrol car while topless Snapchatting
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Ford driving skills for life
Suspected DUI driver admits to texting before Clovis crash
Proposed 'textalyzer' law would allow police to see if driver was texting at time of crash
Man ticketed for texting while waiting at drive-thru
Woman sends chilling text message moments before deadly crash
DRAMATIC DASHCAM: Teen drivers swerve after texting
Drunk driver crashes while checking text messages, Madera police say
Madera PD: Drunk driver crashes while checking text messages
People text and drive knowing dangers, survey says
Woman impaled while texting and driving
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Study shows Uber/Lyft drivers text while behind the wheel
Police officer caught on video texting and driving in Texas
'Textalyzer': Nevada considers technology to scan cellphones after crashes
Driver in deadly Texas church bus crash was texting, witness says
Witness: Driver in deadly crash with church bus was texting
Student crashed into patrol car while topless Snapchatting
Ford driving skills for life
Suspected DUI driver admits to texting before Clovis crash
Proposed 'textalyzer' law would allow police to see if driver was texting at time of crash
Man ticketed for texting while waiting at drive-thru
Woman sends chilling text message moments before deadly crash
DRAMATIC DASHCAM: Teen drivers swerve after texting
Drunk driver crashes while checking text messages, Madera police say
Madera PD: Drunk driver crashes while checking text messages
People text and drive knowing dangers, survey says
Woman impaled while texting and driving
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