Rachel follows her heart in 'The Bachelorette' finale

ByJennifer Matarese KFSN logo
Monday, August 7, 2017

NEW YORK -- Rachel finally made her decision between Eric, Peter and Bryan! But, before we could learn who the lucky guy is, Rachel came out on stage with Chris Harrison to watch the finale live, and Chris promised it would be a wild night.

We picked back up with Rachel and Peter's one-on-one fantasy date. He told her, "I do care about you." Rachel said, "And I do too," as she cried. He told her he is still there and he thinks their relationship is still worth pursuing. Rachel wants there to be a way to fix it! But is there? She feels like he is just fighting his feelings and she thinks more time could be the way. So, she offered Peter the fantasy suite card. He happily accepted. We'll see if anything changes overnight!

The next morning, she said they felt like a couple, but her and Peter have still made no progress on coming to an agreement on whether or not he would propose.

Later, Rachel met up with Bryan for his fantasy date. They met up in a vineyard and then went horseback riding. It was incredibly beautiful! Then they stopped and sipped some wine and talked about their time with their families. But Rachel revealed that Peter messed with her mind and now she's struggling with her decisions, and she's thinking about it during her time with Bryan. This date had a very serious tone and he sensed that she wasn't "all there." Her mind was indeed wandering.

During dinner, Bryan told Rachel that he felt "a different energy" from her. She was shocked that he picked up on how she felt and that he didn't think she was "100% there." He was very upfront and shared his honest feelings and asked if something was bothering her. She was glad he could read her well, but said it was nothing with him. She tried to kiss his worries away and offered him the fantasy suite card. He accepted and once inside the room he told her that he loves her and wants to be with her forever! How sweet is that?!

Then it was time for Rachel to narrow the field to her final two. She gave her last two roses to Bryan and Peter. Poor Eric! He was all in! That's a tough pill to swallow, being cut for a guy who doesn't seem fully invested. She walked him out and told him that she does love Eric, but she's not "in love" with him. She also said that she has stronger feelings for the other two men. Eric thanked her for opening his heart and get what he needs out of the experience and he wished her luck, and told her, "I'll always love you, that's just the truth."

Breaking the mold of past seasons, the live show took over for a bit and Eric came out to have a conversation with Rachel, which would normally happen in the last hour of the show during "After the Final Rose." Eric looked amazing with his full beard and suit! He asked her how her heart was, and she said she was good. He asked her if she was happy, and she said that she was happy. He said that he understood that she did what she had to do. Eric told her that she made him a man by giving him the experience of falling in love. Aw!

Bryan was up first for his last date before the final rose. They met as the sun came up in Rioja and walked to an open field where there was a hot air balloon waiting. They nervously looked at the beautiful countryside and even waved to the locals down below. It was picture perfect. Bryan says that he has no doubt that he would propose to Rachel and the only thing he is scared about is her answer. Once they were back on the ground, Rachel told Bryan that he has been the constant throughout this process. Bryan told her that he will spend the rest of his life loving her and told her that he would be the most heartbroken he's ever been in his life and that it would be a mistake if she doesn't pick him. He added that he loves her. He said he can sleep at night because he's really done everything he could to express his love. He made her "Bryan and Rachel's Spanish Dictionary" for her as his gift on their last night together. The phases and words all had to do with being together like, husband, wife, leap of faith, etc.

Peter had his last chance to make an impression with his final date. They were up in the mountains where they could take in the view and explore a monastery. A Spanish monk took them for a tour. This just didn't seem to have the same amount of romance involved as the hot air balloon. I mean, you aren't even allowed to kiss or touch inside of a monastery. Outside, Peter talks about how he can see a future of watching football games and baseball games and other sports with her. Run Rachel Run! Unless you are into that of course. You are in for many hours of sports watching. He revealed that being married more than once is very scary to him. He also said that he didn't expect to find someone he cared about so much on this show. Um, Peter, did you know what show you were going on?

That evening, Peter had his last chance to express his feelings before decision day. Peter said he knew that Rachel was speaking directly to him at the last rose ceremony when she said that she expected a proposal. He did tell her that he was in love with her and that became clear on the date. He told her that he didn't want to stop being with her, but he isn't ready to propose because the feelings are so new. Rachel is frustrated, but Peter is starting to sound pretty reasonable. As Rachel talked to Peter, tears were streaming down her face. She said that she was afraid that he's not committed enough and her past experience shows her that she would be waiting around for him forever. Peter told her that he "wants to build a relationship" with her, but she said she wants someone who wants what she wants. Peter said, "We're not breaking up." Rachel said, "I don't want to take the risk," Rachel said. Then he started talking about how he would make a sacrifice and propose to her. You don't someone to make a "sacrifice" to propose to you. Then he was saying but losing her, hurts more than making that "sacrifice." This is a tough one. She asked if he would be resentful, and he said no at first but then said he was an emotional person and couldn't promise anything. He told her, "Go have a mediocre life," when referring to her picking Bryan instead. Wow. Rachel said she couldn't stay, and he told her that they would probably both regret this decision and he told her she knows where to find him if she changes her mind. He helped her get her coat on and then they hugged in the hallway. She said "goodbye" and then he laid a heavy duty kiss on her. He said, "I love you Rachel." She said, "I love you too." He told her to take a chance, but she still walked away crying. Peter sat down and cried saying, "What's wrong with me?"

Shocker, then on the live show they brought Peter out. Again, this totally breaks the tradition of the regular "After the Final Rose" special. They relived their breakup and they both seem to feel the same way. They both had tears in their eyes and seemed like they felt sick to their stomachs seeing each other. Rachel said that it wasn't just the proposal, there were other issues and she thought he wasn't in the same place as her. She said it just reminded her too much of her prior relationship. He said he regrets saying that she was choosing a proposal over happiness. Rachel said, "I'm not living a mediocre life, I'm living my best life." Zing. After a commercial break, Rachel said it was just a hard and frustrating moment (as in their break up). Peter said that he is frustrated too. Peter said that he still cares about her deeply, to this day. He said he was just crying backstage and he came out and now he feels attacked. He revealed that he wouldn't be so nervous and worked up if there weren't still strong feelings. He said other than saying "that one thing" differently he doesn't regret what happened that night. Peter said he walked past her eyelashes on the floor for two days (after she cried them off) and he said it was in some ways funny but very hard. Then Peter tried to say a proper goodbye by saying thank you for giving him a chance and bringing him that far in the process. He also wished her the best and said he wants happiness for you and she said she felt the same.

Back to the finale, Bryan picked out engagement rings as Rachel tried to decide if she is ready after her big break up with Peter for a proposal. Really? You don't get a proposal out of Peter and now you're not sure if you want one from Bryan? Bryan's car pulled up to where Rachel was waiting in a stunning silver gown. Bryan told her she looks so beautiful and then said to her what he said the first night in Spanish. He said she is everything he could ever want in a wife and mother of his children and he hoped that she felt the same way. She told him that her heart has never been more confused than it has been this past week. She said used to love the excitement of the complicated relationships. She tried to find cracks in what seemed like the perfect foundation. She told him that in that moment she sees her forever and she told him that she loved him and couldn't imagine spending her life with someone else.

Bryan couldn't wait to kiss her! He said, "I am the best version of myself when I am with you, you are effortless to love, and I just want to love you for the rest of my life." Then he asked her to marry him and she said, "YES!" Rachel even offered him the last rose which he said, "1,000% I love you and I accept that rose!"

Time for the real "After the Final Rose" with the happy couple! Bryan came out on stage and kissed Rachel right away and they both said, "I love you!" Then Bryan proposed to Rachel all over again because she hasn't been able to wear it since the finale! They said that they are still trying to figure out which city to live in together but they are working on bringing them together. Rachel wants to do a winter wedding and Bryan said whatever she wants is what she gets. Rachel said they are looking forward to bringing their lives together, "in a normal sense." Bryan said that his mother is very happy to welcome Rachel into their family. Chris Harrison showed them the cover of "People Magazine" with the two of them together and they also gave them a trip to Rioja to the wine country where they got engaged! Congratulations to the happy couple!

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