VFW Post 8900 receives funding for new roof nearly a year after collapse

Brianna Willis Image
Saturday, May 4, 2024
VFW Post 8900 receives funding for new roof nearly a year after collapse
Local veterans at VFW Post 8900 will soon have a place to get together once again after the building's roof collapsed last year.

FRESNO, Calif. (KFSN) -- A new cover to protect those who have risked their lives to serve our country.

"I just personally can't thank the community to come together and help us," said VFW Post 8900 member, Thomas Richardo.

Friday, the VFW Post 8900 received a $50,000 check from Chevron and $150,000 check from the city of Fresno.

Last July the roof came crumbling down, causing damage inside and outside. Fire investigators say the age of the building and weight of the A-C units likely caused the roof to cave in.

For veterans at the post, they were unsure what would happen next.

"I've discussed it with other veterans and we really didn't know what was going to happen," said Richardo.

"When this roof collapsed it ripped my heart out because I had just become the commander for three weeks," said VFW Post 8900 Commander, Willie Tate Jr.

Tate Jr. says when insurance was not going to be able to cover it, he never thought just 10 months later they would be where they are now.

"It was said when it happened that we would probably not be back in here in two years, but thanks to these two beautiful young ladies -- we expedited that," said Tate Jr.

He says its with the help from Assemblywoman Esmeralda Soria and councilmember Annalisa Perea, they can soon get back to supporting the community with the hall.

"This was one of our biggest revenue producers, so getting this fast means that now we can look at trying to get back functional -- without fearing a collapse of the post," said Tate Jr.

For Vietnam Vet, Thomas Richardo, the past couple of months have not been easy.

"Its been rough, because I was so used to coming here and being around other vets," said Richardo.

He says for him, its more than just a building, its a space of unity for those who have been through combat.

While the inside is still under construction, he's ready to come together again soon.

"It's been a great healing safe haven for me, and for a lot of the veterans that come here, that's why we come here -- because we know they have our back," said Richardo.

There's still more work to be done, but they are hoping the building will be fully functional by mid June.

If you are interested in having an event there after that, you can contact the VFW now for reservations.

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