TULARE COUNTY, Calif. (KFSN) -- A string of attacks in a Tulare County neighborhood has left locals concerned for the safety of their outdoor animals.
Neighbors say it has been three weeks since it started, the first attack happening on 20 sheep grazing grass just west of Highway 99.
Denise Creelman is the owner of the sheep and received a call about them being targeted.
"The gal who lives on the property around 5 am and said 'Some dogs got in and killed your sheep.' so we went over there immediately," says Denise.
"It's just gruesome, the poor things were lying there. When we took them over there, we took all of our ewes with lambs and a ram," explains Denise.
Seventeen of them died, and three of them are still recovering. It's an estimated loss of thousands of dollars.
"The sad thing about dogs is they run to kill, they really don't run to eat, so it's just a total waste of everything," expresses Denise.
Denise says an eyewitness saw three dogs in the area during the time of the attack.
They later reported the incident to local authorities.
Those donkeys were a mother-father-and-baby trio.
Julia Maze was on a trip when she got a call that her donkeys were hurt.
Nine-month-old Scotty didn't make it.
"She had wounds to both sides of her face, so it was just awful," recalls Julia.
As for Scotty's parents, Julia says, "They have a long road ahead of them, they are pretty torn up, they are getting antibiotics and are getting doctored twice a day. I think they will be okay."
Julia mentions the community has rallied behind her and she's thankful for the donations and support.
Action News reached out to Tulare County, local animal services, Tulare Police Department and Tulare County Sheriff's Office, and they have not yet confirmed what could be behind these incidents.
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